Komentar :
Joe Johanan (21/12/2017 15:33)
This place is suitable for you to worship Him😊😊
Ruben Setiono (08/10/2017 06:15)
Generation Of Worship
Ed Lehardi (29/07/2017 02:38)
The congregations are very welcoming especially they know that you are a newcomer or visitor to their church. As typical Indonesian churches, the service can be long and last about two hours.
Surya Houston (12/07/2017 05:20)
Not bad
Hansel Fafianto (25/01/2014 07:04)
My god bless us
Marthin Pohan (08/10/2017 04:25)
Luaarr biasaa.. Kasih Karunia yg dari Allah Bapa melimpah buat kita semua.
Dhika Aja (12/08/2017 08:56)
Rumah Tuhan
Fr Ba (24/06/2017 16:28)
Tempat untuk kamu yang rindu akan Yesus
edi djaja (13/02/2017 13:37)
Saat teduh yg baik
Winnie Elsye (07/12/2016 11:46)
Tempatku semakin bertumbuh dalam Kristus Tuhan
agus mahfudz MM51 (21/11/2016 07:26)
Perumahan model dan gaya Eropa Mediterania sangat elegan
limkok Khiang (08/05/2016 00:10)
Hebat ini adalah gereja terbaik