Komentar :
Fathan Fakhran (21/01/2018 06:22)
Its an old library. Only a lot of students or teacher read or borrow the book in here. Very difficult to find the reference book from 2012 and above. The facilities were less well maintained. Like a locker, very easy to open it without key. its not funny if the guess's bag is gone. I think, the goverment must plan the renovation of the library and change the Shabby books with a new books. That way, the library can be new spot for young generation to have fun and learn. Thanks :).
Wiswar Ali (01/11/2017 09:05)
Saya pernah jadi anggota perpustakaan waktu masih sekolah
Green Earth (31/10/2017 01:26)
Awesome library
travelogue xcs (07/10/2017 11:47)
Good place to expand your knowledge
Ahmad Sarladi (07/09/2017 02:58)
Sangat membantu, perlu penambahan koleksi terbaru
Angelia Setiawati (07/10/2017 11:47)
Good place to expand your knowledge
Arina Qisthi (20/08/2017 13:44)
Bagus tetapi masih Kurang greget
Dedeabdi Abdi (14/09/2016 09:18)
Jambatan ilmu
ebta suci nopriyanti (25/04/2016 04:14)
Fasilitas serta buku yang disediakan bagus
Beni Putra (01/03/2016 09:39)
Tempat kerja sekalian menimba ilmu