Komentar :
Harapan Jaya (30/03/2018 11:43)
Yummy ducky
Ikrar Nusaputra (15/03/2018 06:57)
Nice place
Kholid Holic (03/01/2018 07:49)
Nidya Hapsari (12/12/2017 06:03)
Fav menu: Bebek Sawang (the tofu is good too). Located in high place, thus this restaurant has good ambiance. Not as hot as other duck restaurants, which make you sweat heavily while eating and forget the food delicacy, so having lunch on spot is preferrable than taking the food away.
Adjieck Bayuaji (20/07/2017 06:03)
very delicoius sambal, very hot sambal, you'll love it