Komentar :
Siwi Maharani (13/08/2020 05:12)
Syakira Assyabiya (05/07/2020 17:33)
Ervina wati (28/06/2020 03:25)
Mas Jenggot (31/05/2020 13:17)
Good recomended to shooping
Monskie Leroy (27/01/2020 10:27)
Value for money,
Duta Hudha (11/12/2019 08:13)
Good shooping place
amin uddin (17/11/2019 12:55)
Irham Ltf (28/12/2018 16:51)
Nice place for shopping. Cheap n comfortable ....
Farida Nur Laily (26/07/2018 06:35)
You can find almost all your needs here. The price is not too high and not too cheap either. Its reasonable. Now, this market has been enlarged anf there is a wide parking area. And the location of this market is strategic.
Dzawati Muttaqiyyah (24/04/2018 07:05)
This place is a small shopping mall but complete. The price is too cheap and reasonable
imelda almadewi (01/09/2019 05:42)
Tomi Hendrawan (29/06/2019 13:18)
Goos store and full of souvenirs
Catur Putra Satgada (11/06/2019 04:19)
Comfy place to shop
Susilo Sb (08/10/2018 02:39)
Rivo Atlantik (30/05/2018 03:36)
Awsome market
Carica Papaya (24/03/2018 09:42)
Recomended.. best quality service, best price,.
Dwi Apriyanto (11/02/2018 08:56)
The price is reasonable
supri Yant0 (04/12/2017 13:46)
The most crowded of shopping place of this regency
Ricky Mohammed (11/07/2017 13:30)
Complete store with low price
galih jepe (26/07/2016 11:21)
Mutia Nainggolan (12/11/2017 06:10)
Dari segi tempat mmg ga sebesar dan senyaman spt d bndr lmpung. Tapi recomended deh dr segi harga n kualitas, gak kalah dr kualitas mal besar.
khabibah alawiyah (21/10/2017 17:21)
Tempat perbelanjaan kebutuhan sehari hari yg lumayan ekonomis,di lantai atas terdapat pakaian,sepatu,sandal,mainan anak etc.di depannya ada food court mini,parkir luas tapi pelayanan kasir kurang ramah
Thobias Sela Thomas (20/08/2017 00:09)
Keperluan kebutuhan untuk rumah cukup ada, alat perlengkapan sekolah anak cukup ada, kurang lebih ONE STOP you choose all.
Saad Fajrul Aziz (02/07/2017 13:41)
Lengkap dan murah
Dewi Tika (27/06/2017 17:17)
Dede Rohendi (30/05/2017 05:22)
Bisa milih sampai puas ndak dilirik lirik pelayan dicurigai kaya orang mau maling..
Soalnya pernah belanja ditempat lain udah kaya apa aja kemana aja diikutin pelayan.. hahaha 😎.. pelayanan ramah.. full music
Asti Awaliyah (08/05/2017 00:49)
Murah, lengkap, no tipu2 harga, yg punya muslim...
Dicki Arya Kusuma (02/05/2017 07:23)
Min ada yg punya nmr yg punya konter di dalem pb gak?
Nurchalid Nurchalid (25/02/2017 22:50)
Barang yg dijual beragam dan berkualitas harga terjangkau pokoknya yes....
Jaya Fajri (21/01/2017 16:05)
Pusat belanja di bandar jaya
Agustina Aja (21/01/2017 02:33)
harga grosir
Muara CeLL Karya3 (15/10/2016 03:06)
Jual macam2 keperluan keluarga.. dan anak2 Dan yg pasti Sangat Murah
Renol ali umar (15/07/2016 23:32)
Islami n murah
Didin Muhtadin (14/07/2016 05:59)
Harga l3bih murah
muhtar ali (28/06/2016 16:45)
Keperluan sehari hari dpt diperoleh disini dgn harga wajar
Haryadi hamzah (07/06/2016 01:21)
cukup lengkap, murah,