Komentar :
Febelia Christa (08/05/2018 10:52)
Small airport. Very crowded. Few restaurant choises. Dirty toilet. Staff are not nice
Rini (30/04/2018 01:43)
It's decent small airport. It's 45 minutes from Metro city. The nicest is no traffic to head off the airport.
Trieko Yananto (14/04/2018 14:53)
New terminal building looks modern, and equipped with lot of charging station in boarding room.
Tomy Achmad S (10/03/2018 02:07)
Been here 1 years ago. Nice airport so far.
Dicky Silitonga (15/02/2018 11:46)
A small airport, probably because this size is just what the city needs for now. But the building is nice.
Rambu Jalan (23/01/2018 04:04)
decent small airport.
the exterior looks quite modern for Indonesian airports. but not so much on the interior setting.
as other typical airport in Indonesia, you have to pass through 2 security screening. 1 is before you enter the terminal building, and another 1 before you enter boarding lounge. and this no different from those typical airports. 1st screening is always more painful as it placed near the main departure terminal entrance. long queue with minimum discipline from passengers make it less enjoyable experience.
check in area is quite small but fortunately is sufficient to handle current number of passengers. there arent much options on cafe inside the terminal and there is no option to use your platinum credit card to utilize the executive lounges.
Meta Indriyani (16/01/2018 22:36)
The airport is located in another regional of Lampung (di kabupaten lainnya). It's about 45-50 minutes from the city.
There's 3 options to go to this airport, by personal vehicle, Bus (Damri) or Gocar(online taxi).
For online taxi, it costs around 70K.
The facilities in the airport quite fascinating. They have Banks, cafes, souvenir shops, prayer room, El's coffe cafe, toilets, nice waiting room and Executive Lounge.
meidaliyantisyah garna (09/01/2018 11:10)
Brand new, getting ready to be international airport. Lovely colorful chair in the waiting room and cozy environment.
Leonard Craig (26/10/2017 08:55)
The runway and new terminal are great. Only 4 chairs in the check in area. Its very odd, maybe they prank me for the haloween. Should more seating area and decoration.
Adam Althusius (18/10/2017 08:02)
Big yes. Modern glass facadé yes. But waiting room arrangement is so yesterday. Hard to get free drinking water around. The management should visit other international airport.
Babang Travengler (28/08/2017 08:02)
Bandaranya termasuk kecil tapi bersih, dekorasi di lantai 2 modern dengan sekat-sekat kaca, ada colokan banyak listrik, nursery room, mushola dan toilet untuk difabel
Mulyadi Ardiansyah (05/08/2017 03:34)
Bandaranya gak jauh dari Pusat Kota Bandar Lampung.posisi bandara sangat dekat dgn jalan raya. Sayang Ruang tunggu sedikit kecil, klo ada pesawat delay maka akan terjadi pnumpukan pnumpang ni.smoga sj tidak ya.ohya gak jauh kluar bandara ada masjid dan hotel diseberangnya. Mushola jg bersih.
Jenaka Channel (30/07/2017 11:13)
Nice airport with contemporary look
Green Earth (15/05/2017 08:56)
Modern airport, clean and large building with good transportation system
Creative Video -Indonesia (06/05/2017 02:40)