Komentar :
Irham Salsabila Alfarisi (08/06/2018 06:47)
Akan menjadi shopping center terbesar & terlengkap di Sidoarjo, sepertinya. Lokasi bs dibilang strategis. Ada beberapa jalan tembusan utk menuju/keluar Transmart. Harga produk2 nya jg ada bbrp yg murah. Tp kalo mainan mah ttp mahal.
Steven Soewignyo (06/05/2018 12:07)
Hygiene and huge. It's good place to spend some money. There also XXI Cinema, so this place will also entertain you with your friends or family.There are 4th floors, including foods at first floor, markets at second and third floor, mini transstudio at fourth floor.
Monica Taurisia (12/04/2018 13:13)
Good place with bad security . My friend lost her bag with phone, wallet, and id card inside it. The parking area is full of people that will staring at you when you passed by. So uncomfortable..
Riris Hartanti (11/04/2018 13:49)
Lovely alternative mall for the residence here. Easy to find, strategic location, in the west ring road of sidoarjo. And the transstudio mini quite exciting...with many of playground inside, with a little bit expensive price compare to the other playground in Surabaya
Setiyo Nugroho (24/03/2018 13:10)
Decent supermarket but it doesn't have Dept store. There's small Transtudio (fun park) in the top floor but the tickets are quite expensive
Hock Hian Yong (21/03/2018 02:43)
Latest modern mall in sidoarjo. Good selection of f&b choices. Don't miss theme park on the top floor if you are with the family.
Ridho Prastyo (01/01/2018 14:01)
The new mall in sidoarjo, best place for family. You can find many restaurant and cafe here. You can bring your kids to second floor and enjoy trans studio mini.
Odi Hutajulu (26/12/2017 16:06)
This Transmart is a new experience of amusement play ground that intended for family. This small design from Trans Studio (called as mini playground) is best place for weekend gateway. You can also find some good food and beverage in first floor.
Aldo Febriyanto (26/12/2017 11:58)
All are good, but the parking area is not ...
Iska Putri (23/12/2017 12:06)
Interesting good 😊👍👌
Faizal R. Setiadi (16/07/2017 17:32)
It's gonna be awesome place in town. Can't wait. 👏