Komentar :
Aldrien Giovan (19/04/2018 08:59)
roni 7055 (24/02/2018 13:18)
mitsubishi service center, the service is extraordinarily friendly, i got chocolate.valentine day time yesterday, for variegated units from truck to passenger vehicle, for his own vehicle performing on display, excellent service, test drive also okay, service is satisfactory, inden also okay.
Andre Surya (08/02/2018 08:25)
Various choices for mitsubishi fans
abdullah singgih (07/01/2018 13:59)
Good response n service
Johanes Soetanto (12/11/2017 10:56)
The frontline officer, pak Ngabekti is knowledgable person about mitsubishi vehicle and support a lot to customer.
Wahyu Zain (19/10/2017 20:35)
Kalau mau coba mobil baru mitsubishi monggo
death metal (12/09/2017 05:58)
Ko'ordinator keamanan BRA sidoarjo
Floren Martha (19/08/2017 13:28)
Dealer mitsubishi khusus truck
NC Pictures (26/06/2017 13:38)
Cocok kalo mau blok truk dan fuso
heri Sugiarto (19/06/2017 15:16)
Sworoom yang nyaman..
Muhammad fajar shodiq (16/03/2017 06:39)
dealer mitshubishi
Budi Kiswoyo (26/02/2017 15:17)
Jos gandos
Altian789 Mitsubishi call 081331124455 (14/01/2017 22:57)
Salam sukses
Rully Setyo (24/11/2016 10:56)
Rozak Torres (10/06/2016 08:22)
untung miragenya ready
Rofiq Nur (14/08/2013 08:06)
persiapan buat esok....