Komentar :
MongVie Mong (20/05/2018 13:54)
Best place for pokemon raid :'v
indah budiartika (14/04/2018 06:31)
It's a beautifull and cozy place for take break after a week full of activity
Lidwina Eka (21/02/2018 05:08)
Easy to access. There are seats and benchs
jusfar rivai (30/01/2018 23:22)
One of public and open space near Karang Mumus River. Nice place for outdoor activities especially in sunny day. I think it's still need some improvement to make this place more comfortable to visit.
Tri Susilo Utomo (29/01/2018 15:40)
Great place for family or public comunity
Lathifah Wardati Suminar (15/07/2017 07:51)
Great place for family to hang out rather than malls. Place for many communities gather. Goverment should develop this kind of place more.
Mahadir Muhammad (28/06/2017 14:37)
Insufficient lighting at night around and in the middle of the park. Plus many street food stalls along the street which contribute to a dissorder view of the park itself. There should be a special place behind the park or somewhere else for them if it is needed, to give the sellers opportunity to grab incomes from the park visitors as well as strong commitment from both the sellers and buyers to maintain the park cleanlines and order.
Another consideration is the statues that need some (or a lot of) maintainance and renewal and safe + clean playground for the children. Thanks..
Kenang Tris (02/12/2017 05:32)
Setelah mengunjungi tempat ini saya menjadi cerdas
Risma Noviandy (04/10/2017 14:13)
Free Playground, more attractive games.
Yanhari Yanhari (17/07/2017 13:49)
Enjoy the weekend with your family
Kastil Utama (28/05/2017 07:52)
nanang wahyudi (27/05/2017 07:40)
hidayat aulia (27/04/2017 01:08)
Tamannya kurang bagus. Masih butuh perhatian dari Pemda setempat untuk memperbaiki fasilitas yang ada disana..
Elanordir (09/04/2017 23:45)
Good for Hangout or relaxing, All of the Statue is broken, there's food and drink right at the sidewalk
adi bugman (22/02/2017 08:32)
Tempatnya melepas penat. Penuh dengan area bermain anak dan olah raga seperti sepeda, skate board dan arena pentas
Eza Daresta (18/01/2017 04:47)
Awalnya taman yg indah, namun skrg sdh banyak yg rusak karena orang yg tidak bertanggung jawab, terutama arena bermain anak & patung karakter
Arie Kusuma Atmaja (17/09/2016 06:11)
Can anyone confirm that this garden has free Wi-Fi?
Edit: Free Wi-Fi is available here.
Muhammad Alief (19/03/2016 10:50)
Recomend for meet up
Margaretha Novita (12/03/2016 07:52)
Not bad
sutami mappasimbungb (28/09/2016 07:41)
baik untuk wisata keluarga
Arif Rahman (01/08/2016 16:47)
Enak nyantai disini
Rini Parveza (30/05/2016 07:17)
Taman ini bagus klo pagi - sore hari banyak komunitas,sekolah,& anak - anak.Tapi saya sarankan pada malam hari tolong di perbanyak penerangan & pos keamanan+para security yg selalu patroli.Suskes Ya Ja'Nur 👍👍
hendra putra (28/05/2016 06:07)
Taman di tengah kota
Suyono Darul (29/04/2016 15:26)
Saya suka ke Taman, karena taman selalu mengajak kita masuk ke dunia anak-anak kembali. Taman Cerdas itu keren kalau sore banyak komunitas yang ada di Samarinda berkumpul di sana, namun kalau malam kesanya akan berbeda, mungkin untuk pak Wali agar bisa menyediakan lampu di beberapa sudut taman.
sobri yasobri (13/04/2016 18:04)