Komentar :
Akhamichi (23/04/2018 10:09)
Sekarang sudah bagus banget, sudah direnovasi
Farrah Salim (13/01/2018 10:44)
This is one of the oldest mosque in Balikpapan and had been renovated in 2017. Placed in the corner street of the five intersection between Jl. A. Yani and Jl. Soekarno Hatta. It has two parking lots forbikes at the front and the backyard for cars.
The mosque has a great weekly agenda of various Islamic studies and TPA for kids as well.
I love this mosque and Balikpapan is really proud to have it along the history.
Irwan Rudiyanto (09/01/2018 01:56)
Nice architecture. After the renovation is complete on 9 Dec 2017, we have new look of one of the oldest mosque in Balikpapan city.
Asep Ar (25/08/2017 11:22)
Ayo Datang Ke Masjid Al Munawwar Tiap Mlm ad Pengajian
surya madjid (08/07/2017 06:23)
Have a nice place that like palace.so helpful for pray
Andry Hermawan (01/01/2017 00:34)
Masjid Al-Munawwar terletak di simpang lima lampu merah di sebelah Poliklinik Ibnu Sina. Masjid ini sudah lama berdiri, namun sekarang sudah direnovasi, menjadi lebih teduh dan luas, dengan harapan dapat menampung sebagian masyarakat Balikpapan pada saat shalat maupun melakukan kajian islam.
Ihza Ahmad (01/04/2017 15:26)
Tempat parkir banyak, tempat wudhu banyak, masjid luas
Indah Mungil (07/08/2016 11:38)
Masjid 90% selesai . Semoga bermanfaat
Taufiq Amrullah (23/01/2016 16:06)
Masjid Al munawar,Sedang di bangun