About Masjid. Al-Khair
Masjid. Al-Khair is a mosque, located at Tanjung Sari, Pangandonan, Pengandonan, Baturajs, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Sumatera Selatan 32273, Indonesia
Masjid. Al-Khair is a mosque, located at Tanjung Sari, Pangandonan, Pengandonan, Baturajs, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Sumatera Selatan 32273, Indonesia
Anggi Anugrah Putri
" People here really friendly. "
30 May 2018Fajrul Azmi Syahputra
" Waktu sekolah di tupe pernah membersihkan mesjid ini👍🏽 "
08 May 2018Adam Cengeng
" Alhamdulillah "
03 May 2018Mohd Wafa
" This place full with Mercys from Allah "
15 April 2018Probasher Koshto
" historical mosque of Samarinda "
06 April 2018Nto Suwanto
" Lokasi samping jembatan gang Nibung "
28 March 2018Andi Muhammad Raihan
" tempat ini sangat nyaman untuk beribadah "
10 February 2018Kamel Ita
" Sekarang Bangunannya bagus "
28 January 2018Kamal Abdul
" Easily accessable... and barrier free to all. "
12 January 2018Ayah Manggeng
" مسجد الخير "
07 January 2018Norazmi Mohamed
" Great place for worship and convenient for me thanks. "
22 December 2017Azis Grafis
" Nyaman, sejuk ada acnya "
17 December 2017Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz
" Beautiful masjid located nearby Muslim community. Lectures are held sometimes by different sheikhs. "
11 December 2017FM Nurul Islam Joy
" It is so alluring and peaceful place Alhamdulillah!! "
15 November 2017Alfin WR
" Masjid nya bagus, ada bahyak tempat Wudhu nya, tempat nya luas, Dilengkapi CCTV "
28 October 2017Fadhlan Hamid
" Beautiful masjid. Facilities clean and excellently maintained. May Allah bless this muslim community "
15 October 2017Abdullah Musi Abdul Manaf
" Mosque for worship place mostly for muslims from all kind races and back ground "
02 October 2017Syamsul Bahri
" Pengurus Masjid Al Khair dengan Pengurus TKA /TPA Al Khair sangat saling membantu baik dari segi financial maupun dukungan motivasinya "
28 August 2017Abdul Karim Masnawi
" One of the fine mosque in SG,easy acessibility, "
12 August 2017Andi Zulk
" Alhamdulillah masjid nya bersih "
11 August 2017Novi Kurnia
" Mesjidnya adem bersih, "
20 July 2017Titi Julianti
" Keren "
18 July 2017Norazmi Mohamed
" Very peaceful place to worship and convenient for me thanks for the Masjid. "
14 July 2017Zahir Norman
" This masjid Al-khir is convenient for me and to my wife working place after pray i will fetch my back home "
07 July 2017BarakMahfuzh Al-Alabiy
" Mesjid mantap "
17 June 2017Adie Fajar
" Jum at penuh barokah. Amin "
16 June 2017Ndian Sah
" bangunan makin bagus "
14 June 2017Fazfinursyahus Faznur
" Cozy cleaned. Big space for prayers. "
12 June 2017Md.Jumadi Juki
" Being one of LPM members, this mosque have good and strong leadership to bring it for future successes "
07 June 2017Eko Siswanto
" Masjid "
03 June 2017Jebz Slayer
" Very clean. I also go there for Madrasah. The classes are very helpful. The teachers are kind too. "
25 May 2017Fiforlif Banjar HerbalAriz
" Ok "
25 March 2017Zaw Lwin
" Good place to study Islamic teaching in English. Children can study with English language. "
17 March 2017JT Sahabat Reny Farida
" 👍👍👍👍👍 Oke... "
17 February 2017A Google User
" Sdh ada ACnya "
11 January 2017Putut Wibisono
" Belakang Hotel Grand Madani, penghuni hotel Grand Madani apabila ingin sholat jamaah ke masjid tinggal jalan kira cuman 100 meter "
05 January 2017Ahmad Nabil Mustopa
" Masjidnya bagus "
15 December 2016Kamel Ita
" Sekarang Bangunannya bagus "
14 December 2016Iskandar Ismail
" Just recently completed its renovation. Very nice praying area which i visit every week. The new lift provides a very convenient way for both the elderly and disabled to move between floors.Overall a very good mosque. "
28 September 2016Ari
" Muslim can pray here. "
14 July 2016Faiz Franky Faiz
" Mosque just been renovated and it's extremely beautiful and comfortable to pray with "
19 June 2016Rodent Sarah
" This is the place where I go for “madrasah” "
16 April 2016Quantum Higgs
" Bersih "
21 March 2016Buttermoomoo
" Place of worship every Friday for the Muslims "
03 January 2016Siti Shafiqatunisa
" Renovate soon , have a better place to face Allah daily ♡♡ "
24 December 2015Ashraf Ali
" doney jummat prayers "
10 August 2012