Komentar :
Tozk Jumato (23/10/2017 07:59)
Honda motor network
Miftah M Noer (15/03/2017 02:10)
Months of vehicle license problem
Yosua Miko (09/03/2017 06:37)
They have cash problem and almost close down, a long queue of customer asking for vehicle certificate that is not completed yet.
ari susanto (20/12/2016 13:54)
Ari (13/07/2016 22:43)
AFAIK this one is the most complete workshop for motorcycles though the queue is usually long and the cost is not cheap probably because it's the official one. Crowded place indeed.
bondan wibowo (07/05/2017 09:23)
Pelayananx lama, ya krn byk org seh...
Tools n parts tdk komplit...
Ruang tunggu ok + adjusting mesinx mantap...
Wini Ismiyani (22/02/2017 23:53)
Bengkel langganan
Explorer Borneo (19/02/2017 06:46)
Ada scoopy fancy black kh?
Ardhy mank (05/12/2016 01:03)
Vario 125 esp adakah mas?
Arie Kusuma Atmaja (13/07/2016 22:43)
AFAIK this one is the most complete workshop for motorcycles though the queue is usually long and the cost is not cheap probably because it's the official one. Crowded place indeed.
oniey 5 (20/09/2016 04:57)
semrawut....bpkb nda jd2
Marketing Hondasmd (24/08/2016 07:31)
Pusat Penjualan Motor Honda Untuk Wilayah kaltim
Nahwan Ilyas (30/06/2016 06:49)
Pelayanan cukup cepat,pegawai profesional dan ramah
syabir azisan (03/04/2016 19:39)
rahmat Riyadi (19/12/2014 01:49)
CV Honda Semoga Jaya