Komentar :
Febrina Nur Eriska (09/05/2018 07:46)
Haikal Karimi (15/04/2018 12:43)
Andhika Budianto (10/04/2018 13:36)
Retail shop
Mariani R (12/02/2018 07:29)
Karyo Budi Utomo (17/12/2017 16:10)
Floren Gabriela Lombogia (09/10/2017 11:03)
Free parking. When you enter this store, an employee will give you a very warm welcome and a big smile. If you plan to do montly groceries, I wouldn't recommend this store. Goods in here are limited for groceries.
donny irahadinata (18/10/2017 02:21)
Murah....ga perlu jauh2 belanja ke retail besar yg ada di mall
Arie Sofanie (16/10/2017 04:02)
Karyawannya lelet atau lambat kurang trampil di kasir kelamaan antri transaksinya
Anjar Wahyuaji (04/09/2017 08:01)
Pelayanan yang ramah di tambah super lengkap untuk kebutuhan sehari hari...parkir tertata rapi lagi gratisssss....
Zainal Arifin (18/06/2017 13:47)
I need to have need