Komentar :
I Putu Gde Eka Suryatna (23/04/2018 21:16)
Baru sempat singgah saja. Belum dapat sembahyang di sana
fiki hidayat (19/03/2018 02:58)
perayaan nyepi agama hindu dikota kupang, sangat indah berada di tepi pantai
Adi Widiarta (10/12/2017 12:25)
No public restroom.
Witara Ketut (19/09/2017 06:39)
Hindu Tempel in front of the traditional seaport. Have nice view and have a elementary school inside.
made kade (31/08/2017 21:49)
A hindu tample of oebananta at kupang
Jacky Setiawan (05/04/2017 07:03)
witara saja (19/09/2017 06:39)
Hindu Tempel in front of the traditional seaport. Have nice view and have a elementary school inside.
I Dewa Gd P Utama (30/04/2017 00:39)
Tempat suci umat Hindu..berlokasi ditepi pantai Oeba
Susila .cmd (29/06/2016 06:39)
Om suastiastu.