Komentar :
yoverngees maydez (28/05/2018 14:50)
Ini salah satu alternatif tujuan wisata di Kota Kupang: Hutan Mangrove. Letaknya di Oesapa sebelah barat. Sayangnya petunjuk arah ke sana masih kurang. Di beberapa titik, cukup banyak sampah berserakan, merusak pemandangan.
Johannis Gilbert Siahaya (20/05/2018 03:46)
Cool place, not too big, but gives the tranquility of the nature. Should’ve gone here when the water level is rising, the locals said there’s a bot we can hop on to.
Mas Syam (28/04/2018 02:47)
S wy5xee Drsand 🔔🔔SriSxx sex cs
stephanus h (14/04/2018 04:06)
Nice place for take picture
El Manafe (08/04/2018 11:51)
Beautiful place. Good job for the path. But so many litter at the entrance.
HotelLaHasienda Kupang (30/03/2018 02:50)
Trash everywhere disgusting Place Paravisata Sampa
Tojje 46illarchy (18/03/2018 01:11)
Beautifull place
Elisabet Dewi Rumanti (11/02/2018 09:59)
Another option to enjoy your free time with friends or family. It is easy to get here. You need to pay about 5.000 rupiah for contribution. You will find the best place to take a photo at the end of the bridge (near the sea).
Robby Ferdian (18/12/2016 02:06)
Interesting ecotourism, under construction, have a lot of potential for edutourism.
Lack of directions, minimum promotion, need better access.
Risky Indriani (20/08/2017 11:30)
I like it...
Rizty Dazhari (14/08/2017 09:13)
Karena dibagian akhir dari jembatannya ini ada tangga yang menghadap laut, dan akan keren banget kalo air lautnya lagi pasang
Maria Isabella (09/07/2017 05:55)
Great place
Stev Maufani (23/05/2017 09:05)
Menjanjikan sebuah kenyaman khas pesisir pantai..suara angin dan gelombang silih berganti..fasilitas yang disediakan cukup memadai..Pujasera,area parkir yang luas,masyarakat sekitar yang sangat ramah..
Subagio gio (15/03/2017 09:07)
Tempat nangkring
Deny Daniel (14/01/2017 06:47)
Kreeen tempatnya
Wulan Ndari (07/01/2017 02:40)
Tempatnya keren.. makin indah dengan hutannya yg lebat...
suradhi godhe (02/01/2017 13:50)
Tempat wisata baru di kota kupang yg menyuguhkan betapa Indah,sejuk dan nyaman untk menikmati suasana pantai yg penuh dg hutan bacau...
Torry Kuswardono (22/11/2016 15:32)
First mangrove park in Kupang, good place to see coastal protected ecosystem