Komentar :
Cornelia Banase (16/05/2018 00:44)
Tidak suka Krn mengotori area jalur utama depan ktr gubernur.
Rofiudin Ali (02/02/2018 03:17)
Well the corn is sweet and not overcooked, and the sauce is the best. The price is Rp 7000, it think its should be lower than that considering we have plenty of corn here
Fadli Rahmawan (10/12/2017 17:04)
Sauna nya pas makan jagung di pinggir jalan, sambil menikmati lalu lalang nya kendaraan.
Makanan dengan harga terjangkau dan sehat gizi.
Endang S Fanggidae Lerrich (26/05/2017 13:24)
Place where you can find local food at night
ibrahim bajuri (06/03/2017 23:41)
Good place