Komentar :
Dija Solo (05/08/2019 13:39)
RINA LUDJI (10/07/2019 13:38)
My church..
Roni Umbu Muda (06/06/2019 09:23)
Nice church to pray
Endang S Fanggidae Lerrich (03/10/2018 13:26)
The oldest Protestant Church in Kupang City. Still with the old and strong building. The architecture is still the same with previous.
The congregation is many people from the whole city, not only people who stay next to the church.
Jakson Petrus (19/07/2018 09:05)
The oldest Christian Church in the city, still preserving the old architecture.
Rosa Djara Pa (29/01/2018 04:11)
Gereja Tua di Kota Kupang, berdiri sejak jaman Belanda
Susan Uly (24/12/2017 11:43)
Gereja tua penuh sejarah
rhiond philips (26/05/2017 07:53)
Gereja Protestan tertua di Kota Kupang
ika ga bani (08/01/2016 00:19)
my home...
Otniel Benjamin (20/12/2014 03:46)
Gereja Tua Peninggalan Portugis
Advent Uly (05/09/2016 13:13)
Gereja tua warisan sejarah