Komentar :
Ficri Pebriyana (03/11/2020 02:16)
To collect a vehicle BPKB, it takes 3 working days from the date of repayment.
If represented, there must be a power of attorney and signature of the owner along with a stamp.
For the conditions, bring proof of the last payment, the owner's original KTP and original STNK (if needed).
If there is a late payment, an additional fee of 0.4% will be charged per month.
baralak gaming 29 (28/10/2020 06:47)
Sorry ladies / gentlemen, I'm asking for the office phone number
Nchas Rity (04/05/2020 03:26)
Bagaimana hubungi kantor oto cabang Kuningan kalau nmr tlp kantornya tidak ada..?
Ade Rohmana (19/02/2020 14:16)
Wahyu Egitya (19/12/2019 12:38)
Pelayanan yang baik
Maman Sukirman (25/01/2018 07:52)
Minta no telpn kantorny dong...
Raja Cinta (16/09/2016 00:55)
Nunggu buka 5m kaya lm bgt
Hanggara Pratama (13/08/2016 07:14)
Easy Pay
Rands 2Q (16/09/2016 00:55)
Nunggu buka 5m kaya lm bgt