Komentar :
Arjun Kenzie (24/06/2019 01:00)
New place cozy n cheap, but the food is great
Agung Coriandri (14/05/2019 00:48)
One mie koclok spot, easy to reach and yummy
M. Sjefy (05/10/2018 00:18)
A spacious and comfortable area, which is nicely laid out in the tourist area. There are various choices of food and drinks with a taste of classy, ββ but the price is very friendly. Fun for a hangout.
maria yovita (11/08/2018 11:42)
Recommended for chillin' out...
Maria Yovita (11/08/2018 11:42)
Recommended for chillin' out...
Winda Sofiya (15/03/2018 05:24)
This place is so cozy. I love the atmosphere there. I tried Mie koclok for the first time and it is good tho. The price is quite cheap.
Aliet Nurhayati (21/03/2019 07:38)
The most recommended places in Cirebon to explore your weekend with family
assifa nur (22/05/2018 09:39)
Tempat bagus. Rasa makanan lumayan
Sri Yenti (04/03/2018 08:54)
Mie kocloknya mantap. Karena menggunakan ayam kampung. QQ mie koclok Cafe & Resto Cocok buat anak2,remaja,dan orang tua. Karena menunya berfariasi. Tempatnya jg nyaman dan bersih.
Dayuh Tania (04/03/2018 05:59)
Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, rasanya juga terjamin. Cocok untuk anak-anak, remaja maupun orang dewasa karena menunya yg bervariasi.
Dinda Ayu Safitri (02/03/2018 11:48)
Makanannya enak,menyediakan menu tradisional, jadi nostalgia zaman dulu. Tempatnya nyaman, ada terapi ikannya dan wifi gratis juga:) sukses selaluπ