Komentar :
ira ernawati (01/10/2017 10:28)
Tempat bagus bersih
Evie Vieby (04/09/2017 03:05)
Its boarding house not even a hostel. Still overprice not value for money. Should be cheaper.
Lukman Nugraha (23/07/2017 06:04)
Lumayan buat yang cuma 1 hari di cirebon, dket stasiun jd enak
Decky Tri (26/04/2017 14:04)
Very strategic place to stay. So close to every places within Kota Cirebon.
Barqha 0212 (14/03/2017 12:13)
Tenang bersih
Wawan Misgiyanto (28/02/2017 06:36)
Harga murah, nyaman, bersih, mines nya colokan ga ada. Cmn 1 itupun utk tv, deket pusat kota