Komentar :
Harry Santoso (09/05/2018 16:18)
Atmospherenya nyaman dan cocok buat keluarga.
Green Peace (04/03/2018 10:18)
Tempatnya bagus tapi menurut saya makanannya kurang enak cocok buat foto foto
Lody Anjes (29/01/2018 08:13)
Very good local Japanese food with a good menu and selection of popular dishes with cheap to reasonable price next to Shopping Center Cirebon Super block
Faiz Firdaus (05/08/2017 03:03)
Was trying shabu shabu but the chicken and beef were not that fresh, but not bad either. The shrimp was good. Service? Just average, but worth to try. (If I have any chance, I will revisit to try ramen and sushi. And I will update the review) hope this help.
lely yuliawaty (07/07/2017 09:59)
Love it¡ but it will be much better if you serve free Ocha hehehe