Komentar :
Surya Suryaman (12/05/2018 07:17)
Enak yg suka pedas ni
Hanggara Pratama (04/12/2017 17:39)
This kind of vegetables which is easily make you feel sleepy after you eat it, if you have problems with insomnia I suggest U to eat it in the evening...
YANUARSYAH KLIKUNIQ (22/10/2017 07:55)
Lumayan enak meskipun sambalnya pedas luar biasa..
Cecep Cecepismaya (03/07/2017 10:42)
Tempat nya tolong lebih bersih. Pernah liat tikus di dalemnya
Ukie Ayah Zahanif (28/06/2017 05:09)
Sambal rujak nya .. mantabbb...