Komentar :
Sunartriasih S (07/04/2018 06:58)
It's full murottal. I love the way how they manage this department store into Muslim-friendly area. It displays and sells most of the things you require to wear on from top to toe, literally. Even this store fits your need of house decoration as well. I hereby recommend this store since it's worth your visit.
Kunu Yokora (08/12/2017 19:09)
A supermarket with fairly good products spread and reasonable prices.
Agung Coriandri (22/11/2017 15:26)
Best price department store and supermarket
Ralf BlueLily (11/10/2017 06:00)
Good place for nearly buy all. Foods cosmetic clothes drink little snacks
Billy Bardiana (18/07/2017 22:34)
The place provide anything you need with cheap price. Parking lot is so huge and it's located on major street.
Bayu Abdurahim (01/11/2017 00:54)
Complete enough daily need
sigit san (07/09/2017 13:13)
Murah, the one n only
Saud Sinaga (18/08/2017 03:44)
Not so bad
Kuswanto Arrasyid (15/07/2017 15:25)
Low prices for everything what sale here.
Agus Muaji (10/07/2017 23:30)
Miqdad Robbani (08/07/2017 09:31)
Iwan Suhadi (02/07/2017 09:41)
Complete place to your everyday needs
Nur Muchamad (22/05/2017 06:02)
Belanja belanja belanja
ibnu sholihin (07/05/2017 15:12)
Lumayan lengkap, dulu sering belanja kesini waktu tinggal di Kuningan
Nana Juhana (08/02/2017 21:13)
Ok banget .sahabat umat melayani umat sepenuh hati
Hari Sutiono (03/02/2017 15:43)
Buat kenangan aja
Cevi Purnama widodo (21/08/2016 04:10)
Yuzzie Maharto (14/06/2016 08:54)
sun dani (14/05/2016 22:41)
Oq Lasut (09/08/2016 10:30)
Belum pernah kesana
Wahyu Munajat (31/07/2016 07:07)
Supermarket ini sudah berdiri lama, barang-barang yg dijual cukup lengkap, pelayanan ramah, parkirannya sangat luas.
Agus Nurdiansyah (01/06/2016 09:48)
Mau jadi agen pulsa...
Datang ke bubble resecearh yah
Maz Hendro (14/05/2016 13:17)
parkirannya udah semakin luas