Komentar :
Dame Damayanti (28/05/2018 08:40)
Amazing place. Very calming and homey, suitable for yoga retreat or personal vacation
Eigner Endus (16/05/2018 07:53)
Puri brata, tempat yang nyaman asri, bernuansa tropis dengan bangunan limasan yang menarik. Mengadopsi konsep hubungan manusia yang dituangkan pada bentuk arsitektural, relasi manusia dengan Tuhan, relasi manusia dengan alam, dan relasi manusia dengan manusia. Ada joglo di lantai 2 untuk pertemuan sampai 20orang, juga ada aulanya di sisi timur kompleks. Setiap kamis kliwon jam 16 diadakan misa disini bagi umat beragama katholik. Misa penyembuhan yang dilayankan oleh romo. Kapel di kompleks resort ini ada di sisi paling barat.
akan sangat indah bila ada kolam renang disini.
Ivana Darmana (30/03/2018 17:02)
Very nice, comfortable and good services. They provide bicycle for visiting Pandansari Beach with lighthouse, while we can enjoy all the way in the middle of paddy fields. The food and drink are natural-organic from their own garden. The owner Mr. Cahyo and Mrs. Dwi are amazing! They welcomed us and told us so many Jogjakarta n Java's histories. You will never regret for been there. Very suitable for people who love nature.
wisanggeni adventure (01/03/2018 16:37)
Traditional resort.. Tradisional and fresh food.. Good for meditasion
Yudhistira dwi Ananda (24/11/2017 12:35)
A very good place to meditate and find yourself
Yudistira Unggul Wibawa (08/11/2017 10:45)
Nice place nice views, real village with a different situations. You can visit and role play as a village people, everything about food from garden, Javanese culture.
Christina Lomon (23/07/2017 03:04)
Pure Brata is a peaceful repose. The grounds are well cared for and the food is typically good Javanese. I recommend it for a peaceful getaway.
Aurel Zetta (11/03/2017 03:42)
tempat yg cocok untuk meditasi