Komentar :
sitta azizah (28/04/2018 16:09)
Kopi sulingan adalah salah satu tempat ngopi di Kulon Progo dengan menu kopi sulingan/kopi lokal desa setempat, desa wisata ramah burung, mendukung produk kopi lokal dan konservasi hutan. Ngobrol di dalam oke, santai di luar asik, ramah, sejuk.
mega tyas (24/02/2018 05:04)
Tempatnya dingin.. asik buat kumpul. Kopinya enak..
Asman Adi Purwanto (16/09/2017 06:18)
Good coffee, good place for birdwatching. So many endemic birds can be seen in this place
Febri Subur (04/07/2017 09:32)
been there last weekend... try Robusta and Arabica... i really love the Robusta, just perfect for me... well if you wanna buy the coffee bean here it's also available.... very affordable price more or less IDR 20k/100gr... and for the coffee robusta IDR 8k/cup and arabica IDR 12k/cup... please support the local people here... enjoy your coffee!!!
Rochmad Setyadi (16/06/2017 10:43)
It's a hommy brew cafe style. They processed the green bean from scratch
D Rkhyt (20/03/2017 04:21)
I love it! Nice view, nice coffee, nice weather, & nice people! Perfect!
Bambang Hartono (26/06/2017 13:36)
Pengin mencoba sesuatu yg baru utk melepas kepenatan kerja ....ekowisata baru pengalaman baru.....istri baru๐๐ (husssss...1 aja ga habis2..wkwkwk)
Delima Rokhayati (20/03/2017 04:21)
I love it! Nice view, nice coffee, nice weather, & nice people! Perfect!
Fitroh wijaya (15/01/2017 18:28)
Ademm.. pikiran
iwan j prasetyo (07/01/2017 04:44)
kopi istimewa. kopi lokal jatimulyo.