Komentar :
Aniffudin Faizal Reza (12/08/2020 09:09)
The doctor is very friendly, the patient is always busy, you can book first for the day you want, you can via Telf / WA or directly at the crime scene and later you will know what order number, preferably via WA. Complete facilities available toilets and prayer rooms, all clean including the surrounding environment too. For the hours that are not fixed to the schedule stated on the placard, after the patient is finished and after checking, it must still be checked even though it is past the hour and it is night.
Susilo SSL (25/07/2019 03:46)
Bagus ...
ribot gimbal (03/12/2017 23:45)
Alkhamdulillah obatnya manjur
Junni Ad (22/11/2017 12:27)
UNY Wates ke barat