Komentar :
Namanya Nununk (13/04/2018 04:17)
Murah lengkap
Rani Purnama (05/04/2018 08:25)
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 bukan 24 jam
Sigit M (15/12/2017 18:39)
Yunan Prawoto (21/04/2017 13:17)
one of the best medicine stores I have visited
Cornelius Hanin (21/09/2016 10:54)
One of a good drug store in Godean area. Plus they have a great service. Here they have a good pharmacist, and you can ask their profesional opinion for what kind of medicine you should take, based on their diagnose.
Ika Ariyani (10/10/2017 00:11)
Kedokteran Umum UMY (17/06/2017 03:24)
Harga terjangkau, pelayanan ramah dan owner chantique
Beni Riyadi (08/09/2016 09:25)
silamba syailendra (25/05/2015 12:26)
Pelayanannya oke