Komentar :
Abdullah Mazeed (30/01/2018 15:21)
temperature around the mosque a bit cold
Edy Subagiyo (23/09/2017 16:56)
Nice place. One of islamic tourism destination in central Java, Indonesia
Brightstar Education (10/07/2017 23:58)
Religious destinations. So peaceful
Abdul Lathif (04/04/2017 17:05)
More religius after coming .. the best place to pray to Allah
Dian M Prima (19/04/2016 05:10)
You need about 1000 stairs to be there. Some people prefer go up there by ojek. But be careful, when it is rainy will be so slippery.
Go down better by our own. You know, to challenge your fitness :D
Ryfa Reindy Group Diagung (29/10/2017 16:23)
Novita Ekayanti (28/04/2017 13:10)
The Most Amazing Mosque
agus hendrawan (08/11/2016 23:41)
Kang ojeknya wow..
abdel alatas (23/10/2016 03:19)
MasyaAllaaaah...sunan tomb on the mountain top...Nice mosque...clean...cool air and water...
Widodo sukardi (01/10/2016 00:58)
Excellent cemeteri-wood carving-excellent buiding
muhammad hanif (11/08/2016 18:32)
Good views and religius 😊👼
IRSYAD asmaRANDHI (26/09/2016 14:14)
Musti naik ojek nya klo kesini... haha, gak naik nyesel...
mufti mr (07/06/2016 16:17)
naik turun naik ojeg, gak cape, tp agak seram
Nizam M (29/04/2016 03:08)
Semoga di permudahkan perjalanan
Gogox Nùr Rokhìm (05/01/2016 12:16)
insyaallah habis lebaran.. amin..