Komentar :
dan gatot opist (29/04/2018 01:53)
Soto kerbau khas kudus yang terkenal.. Enak murah dan selalu rame.
Asmarani Eka Setiawan (22/04/2018 01:03)
I went there on my visit to Kudus. The place is small, just a simple shop. To go there is quite a challenge since there were so many one way street on the location. However when it comes to the food, all those challenges proved worth. The Soto Kerbau (Buffalo Soto) is really nice, plus you can order another side dishes that all comes from buffalo. They also sell "giant" shrimp crackers.
Eko Singgih (17/04/2018 02:54)
Enak, porsi cukup besar, harga tidak mahal.
danirizkyr 33 (08/06/2017 16:02)
soto kerbau paling enak... harga sesuai dg porsinya yg banyak...