Komentar :
Indah Nurf (15/08/2020 02:43)
Already from the early semester of college, shopping is compulsory at a phy shop ... no clothes, bags, shoes, sandals, watches are all there ... basically almost every month you come to the holy shop and definitely stop by the phy shop ... the price is friendly in the quality bag too okay .. success continues for phy shop ...
IG: indahnur.fitriani
Sivana Agnestasia Aulianisya (11/08/2020 15:44)
Ig me: siipana__ let's my friends try to let me know?? Affordable prices are very cheap???? the stuff never disappoints me???? sure who doesn't know yet try hurrying up, don't regret my oath, never been fooled by the goods I even fell flat because the bargain was so beautiful once sure????????
Junkei Squad (09/08/2020 12:18)
Cheap stores but not cheap .. Always buy there even though my house is Demak ???? like to buy there because there are many choices of goods so you can choose as much as you want and the models are very quiet and the price is very suitable in your pocket ... uh so buy anything haha ??.... Worth it IG: @ evkuasi13
Ainul Latifah (09/08/2020 11:07)
It was the first time I went to the physhop shop in 2018san????, I saw on Instagram that the first product I bought was a Slempang bag and I bought it because the price was really cheap but good quality. at that time the shop was still small but now..wow???? the shop has a 2nd floor, so it's more flexible, so looking for items is easy ???? Finally it becomes a continuation to buy my ootd fashion products at the HOLY PHYSHOP store????????
Here for ciwi "you must visit the shop and buy products" at the HOLY PHYSHOP store ????
Ig. @ Ainullatifah__
Nurul Fitasari (05/08/2019 13:42)
menjual berbagai macam tas, jam, gamis sendal ataupun sepatu
Faizatul Muna (01/08/2019 13:28)
Tempat ini menyediakan tas sepatu sendal baju krudung dll sudah banyak sekali cabang nya dan hampir semua nya ramai baik offline maupun online. Harga sangat murah cocok untuk kantong mahasiswa dan buat yg jiwa kewirausahawan bisa banget buat dijual lagi. Kualitas barang jg tidak buruk, sesuai harganya lah..
Recomended banget cuss deh kemari
Berkahin Tenun (22/04/2019 14:14)
Lokasi yg strategis di tepian jalan arah ke Colo Muria, membuat toko mudah untuk ditemukan.. tapi sayang belum didukung dengan adanya tempat parkir yg memadai terutama untuk kendaraan roda empat...
donna annadzif (16/04/2019 15:34)
Barang murah tapi gak murahan harga sangat" terjangkau cocok juga buat yang suka koleksi tas atau sepatu tapi dengan budget pas"an, kualitas juga gak kalah oke.. Ini buat pemesanan online kalo dateng ke toko beeehhhh ramenya mintak ampunn sampe desek"an gituuu, karena tempatnya kecil dan gak cukup luas banyak barang juga.. Buat kalian aku rekomendasi untuk pesen online nya aja, ya tapi kalo mau dateng langsung monggo..
Nona Chan (16/11/2018 03:44)
Murah murah. Rame juga. Bagus udah pasti
Robot Biru (27/06/2018 14:55)
Septika Dwi H (24/10/2018 09:25)
Tasnya bagus, murah
Fauzul Murtafiah (26/08/2018 14:34)
Solusi tempat untuk mencari baju, gamis, sepatu 😊😅
siti muslimah (23/07/2018 09:19)
Harga murmer tempatnya kurang gede
nadia nurnisrina (01/06/2018 01:18)
Barangnya bagus tp cepet habis ya....
Irma Dayanti (26/05/2018 08:13)
Tempat berbelanja yg murah
Rina Prayogo (21/04/2018 01:02)
ANST ! (24/02/2018 08:00)