Komentar :
Queen Of Random (19/05/2018 12:11)
Enak enak makanannya
madeadinda saraswati (13/05/2018 12:42)
Pecel.....Rawoooon...lontong sayur...mie jiplak enak nya nampol bikin ketagihan dan harga bersahabat...pelayanan khas Jawa tempat nyaman bikin betah dan nambah lagi...kalo perut kenyang hati pasti puas...ojo lali bungkus yo rek!!!
Miftahhur Rahman (18/04/2018 10:53)
Nasi pecel nya enak
Furanzu Prince (10/03/2018 01:40)
Gado gado is my fave there
Suhendro Pramono (21/02/2018 01:19)
The place which provides javanese culinaire especially Pecel (the vegetables salad with the peanut sauce), Rawon (meat soup with dark recipe) and Lontong Sayur (boiled rice with sauce of young jackfruit combine with coconut milk)