Komentar :
Herimeng Chow (30/05/2018 03:09)
Gereja Injili.. dengan bangunan fisik yang sudah direnovasi, kapasitas 1.500 orang di Main Hall. Thx God! GKKB Pontianak terus menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang.
Beny Tamrin (11/03/2018 10:05)
Biggest christian church in West Kalimantan. Place to serve and grow in Christ.
Joni Wang (14/02/2018 01:33)
The biggest Christian congregation in Pontianak.
There are 3 services on Sunday: 07:30, 10:30 and 17:00. There are also children ministry running concurrently with the service. Youth ministry only available on 07:30 and 10:30.
The church is a local denomination church, does not affiliates with any of the mainstream denomination.
Renny Dese (07/02/2018 15:45)
Nice church. Good location. But too highly to climb the stairs for a pair of old knee joints.
Alex Ting (23/12/2017 13:01)
Sunday services:
Indonesian with Mandarin translation: 0730-0930am & 1030am-1230pm .
Indonesian only 5pm-630pm
Daniel Wilianto (12/11/2017 06:22)
A great place for worship. Me and my family love it.
bakmie pemangkat di pontianak (03/09/2017 02:29)
Toppp bngt
Robby Laway (01/09/2017 02:55)
Yami KazE (26/10/2016 06:58)
A great church to go to. Awesome indeed
Kicky Nelwan (10/09/2016 07:36)
Gereja yang keren
Mudah-mudahan mendapat kesempatan melayani disini
Akilbudi Patriawan (24/08/2016 06:59)
Perubahan bangunan tempat Ibadah GKKB Jemaat Pontianak. Semoga pengerjaan tampilan luarnya bangunannya cepat selesai
Julius Chin (02/08/2015 10:26)
Best Church for me
Williams Tommy (30/06/2015 08:19)
Agustono ' (16/10/2016 20:02)
Gereja jaman sekolah