Komentar :
Erwin Lay (03/05/2018 12:38)
It used to be a great shopping mall, but with lack of maintenance and newer malls are being opened, this place has turned into an old shopping mall.
Most of the tenants are mainly jewelry shops.
DeeDee Satsuma (11/03/2018 00:11)
one of the good shopping locations in pontianak, unfortunately not well maintained by the management..
Gaming With IDK (06/03/2018 06:10)
A bad place this place used to be good but now its like trash on trash its hot dirty not many attraction there the parking ticket is expensive to. But the only thing that keeping the mall alive is carrefour
Joni Wang (14/02/2018 01:20)
One of the shopping malls in town, there is a Carrefour and matahari department store
Prast Herry (18/01/2018 05:03)
Its OK for a small city mall, the place is not crowded. Considered quiet. But its OK
Ressi AF (21/11/2017 09:21)
Good price. Easy to find stuff. Provide J.CO, KFC, Crunch n'Crunch, Carrefour.
Siti Hadianti (19/09/2017 11:27)
Sering diskon lebih murah
Mr nine9 (10/09/2017 19:24)
Lumayan bervariatif permainan disini. Ini salah satunya yang disenangi anak-anakku, jika sudah masuk ke dalam mall ini (Matahari).
erna lily (31/07/2017 08:00)
Alternatif belanja pakaian dengan berbagai macam merk dan diskon.
Budi Syahputra (29/07/2017 13:06)
Belanja pakayan dimatahari banyak diskon.anak anak suka bermain .
Erwindo Octadinata (09/07/2017 17:37)
Cukup panas, AC nya ga dingin, kadang escalator ga jalan.
Budi Budi (11/04/2017 00:26)
Letaknya stategis cuman panas and wc buruk
Anas Salatiga (29/03/2017 02:02)
Mall Matahari ini cukup panas perlu pnambahan AC
Riza Pratiko (01/03/2017 11:58)
Lokasi strategis mudah di akses
bayu Pratama (20/07/2016 02:47)
Tak tahu