Komentar :
Gaming With IDK (21/05/2018 14:46)
Jazz music sits a coffe shop with great design and comfortable seating full with smoking area on the canopy.
Roby Roby (04/05/2018 03:21)
Best donut in town
Wily Chandra Diputra (31/03/2018 13:10)
Best place to hangout. Taste is good too.
DeeDee Satsuma (15/03/2018 08:16)
Best place for hang put and eat donuts
Okuta Reika (13/09/2017 23:44)
Nothing sweeter than togetherness we share
Mully Endah (19/08/2017 12:38)
Pilihan t4 ngaso d mall
Retno Yuniarsih (04/08/2017 16:35)
Come over to do some assignments. Got a great deal for Avocado Coffee and Tuna Puff for Rp 55,000. Unfortunately the coffee taking so long, since the place not much people at the moment. Wifi working pretty well
Harsianto Se (07/05/2017 04:52)
J. Coffee Pontianak Mall tempat steategis menyediakan ruang bagi perokok di luar dan yang tidak merokok di dalam ruang ber AC. Pelayanan cepat.
MARISA PRASETYA (29/01/2017 11:27)
Minumannya standar . Tempat nya oke dan nyaman. Hanya saja wifi nya gak oke.
Danu Kuncoro (19/07/2016 18:39)
What a nice coffee and doughnut shop
Florist (19/07/2016 03:01)
Nice doughtnut with fair price, they sell coffee too wich is good almost like starbucks but cheaper
Noni Fifi (07/07/2016 18:03)
Good for enjoying weekend & kongkow
kumbankunin 9 (18/06/2016 13:58)
Rio Johansen Siahaan (13/07/2016 16:44)
jeffre yansyah (18/06/2016 13:58)
Khairuman (29/01/2016 06:20)
Sudah bersertifikat halal blum ?