Komentar :
Izal Againt (06/08/2019 10:58)
Sleeping good
Mak Pali (04/07/2019 00:09)
Sandra (29/03/2019 21:12)
Rooms and toilets are clean and comfortable. But terrible service. Housekeeping plays very loud music in the corridor every single day untill they finish cleaning the whole floor. Unable to sleep or rest. Made a complaint and they gave me different room. After that family room on another floor with children running around. Staff at reception is terrible when I asked for a socket because Indonesian socket is different. The guy said no no no! Housekeeping boys always want to talk or ask you where you from and what's your job. This place is not for female solo traveller. Terrible service. I moved to differrnt hotel in town.
Yulianti Juni (14/03/2019 08:59)
Nice place to stay in since it located Just about 1,5 km from Mega Mall. Futhermore, the price is suitable for low budget traveller.
Bæng Bæng (23/01/2019 06:42)
Comfortable, clean, quiet. And close to Mega Mall.
Suliawan Rameli (19/08/2018 10:24)
Ok...is verry good service
Ega Tiara (02/05/2018 11:23)
Comfortable enogh
Nasim Nasim (04/04/2018 10:03)
Good Service & Good Smile...
Raymond Ang (12/02/2018 07:13)
Good location and clean room
Hubung Bumbun (10/02/2018 06:42)
Cheap and nice. Just need improve for service and food.
Bambang Ariyanto (16/12/2017 20:33)
Low budget hotel, its nice for backpacker with low cost.
Atiqa NH (21/10/2017 11:15)
Clean and cozy hotel with cheap price a room/nite. Very recommended for people who just transite in Pontianak city.
Alphy Vernanda (30/08/2017 15:04)
Hotel is low price but excellent service ~
rozak ade rahmanto (26/11/2017 06:02)
Murah dikelasnya.. Parkir enak.. Lokasi enak.. Tenang.. Kamar luas.. Kasur lebar (deluxe).. Nyaman lah.. Pelayan & tukang parkir ramah.. Ada wifi.. Dpt sarapan..
Mungkin yg perlu diperbaiki :
Lift kecil, dibuatka no smoking room krn bau rokok akan tetap berbekas meski disemprot pewangi, sarapan kurang variatif, wifi lemah, chanel tv terbatas..
Yulianto Siswodihardjo (31/10/2017 05:06)
Budget hotel
rika haryanty (24/09/2017 11:27)
Nice place
ICHWAN SETIO HAJIONO (10/09/2017 14:36)
Pelayanan ramah..tempat bersih...harga standar....greaat
Mulyadi Ardiansyah (20/08/2017 04:22)
Hotel Bagu dgn harga terjangkau cocok utk yg ingin berurusan diwilayah sekitar A.Yani Mega Mall
Auline Aurellya (17/06/2017 21:36)
Tempat lumayanlah, makanan kurang enak, pelayanan cukup baik.. Not bad not good
Tami Tami (14/05/2017 10:33)
Lebih tenang krna lokasi nya yg agak jauh dr keramaian.. cocok buat yg mncari ktenangan..
Nawi Aje (26/03/2017 12:21)
Lumayan lah cuma pernah hilang laundry sekali walau di ganti tetep kesel
Hairudin Hairudin (07/02/2017 12:13)
Hotelnya bersih, harga sangat terjangkau,ga berisik, nyaman bgt cocok buat pilihan keluarga menginap di hotel ini.di jamin Happy deh!!
Breakfastnya lumayan enak, tp menunya harus di tambah lagi yaa...
Tedi Sunjaya (30/01/2017 03:37)
:v gue ganteng gan... Wi-Fi mayanlah
eko yulianto (25/01/2017 13:24)
Sepadan dgn tarifnya, hanya agak jauh dr jln utama.
Yudi Firman Santosa (30/12/2016 13:59)
Cukup ekonomis, lokasi cukup strategis tdk jauh dari mega mall dan cukup tenang untuk beristirahat.
donny hartawinata (19/12/2016 09:39)
Hotel yang tepat untuk mereka yang ingin menjangkau mall di kota pontianak
Ardiansyah Dian (19/09/2016 05:37)
Taripnya ringan
Iwan Riduan (12/09/2016 17:35)
Kamarny ckup bgs dn brsih
curutnakal (14/08/2016 07:42)
Kasur nya keras kaya kayu
Jalan Jalan di Kalbar (23/07/2016 01:23)
Lumayan... yapi jauh dari jalan utama
Teddy Hill (05/06/2016 14:20)
Murah dan kamarnya bagus.
Ahmad Fauzi (10/04/2016 01:13)
Standar lah