Komentar :
basyiruddin nur (26/03/2018 12:56)
New building, warm and pleasant services, not in the center of the city....
Desi郑情温 (08/03/2018 01:52)
the vegetarian food is okay. and the price is good
steven mw (23/02/2018 11:26)
Good food but they work very slow, bad services, no any responsible of their mistake and bad attitude. Big NO for a big dinner in this hotel
Ricky Gusvianto (01/01/2018 00:23)
Nice hotel! Great service!
maria tan (21/10/2017 03:12)
Very2 clean hotel but when make-up room did not sweep the room floor and the bathroom hole blocked water very slow to flow down.
Hendra Susanto (08/05/2017 08:33)
Good service and cozzy enviroment with briliant asian cuisine
Sartono Hartojo (28/04/2017 11:34)
It is located in the outskirt of town but looks clean and well maintained. The restaurant serves a very nice Nasi Goreng and (again) look very clean.
Birbrata Roy (04/04/2017 09:49)
Very nice, budget friendly and good service
Andru Alexander (19/03/2017 09:20)
Too far away from the city center. But the room is clean and they have vegetarian restaurant
Dian Haryono (23/01/2017 06:58)
Lokasi terkesan tenang dan nyaman, cocok untuk acara keluarga atau acara lain yang menginginkan ketenangan dan suasana tenang jauh dari kebisingan kota.
Rudy Ardean (21/11/2016 14:53)
Comfort and great services
Multimedia Nanga Pinoh (11/08/2016 10:47)
Riduan AbdulRahim (09/08/2016 02:50)
Eko Purnomo SM (03/08/2016 14:51)
Tempat menginap cukup nyaman di tempat agak pinggir kota, pilih kamar bawah karna pada lantai 3 beberapa harus dilakukan perawatan
Riduan Marbar (09/08/2016 02:50)
Ruhermansyah Yunus (05/08/2016 16:22)
bergaya minimalis..nyaman dan bersih dengan harga ekonomis
Yus Ran (18/06/2016 06:31)
lewat tolen
Parman Harsodimulyo (06/06/2016 09:55)
Yang memerlukan ketenanga sejati, karena lokasi agak sedikit jauh dari kebisingan kota...