Komentar :
Hendrias fisika (03/04/2018 07:10)
Pelayanannya ok banget 👍
Rachmat Maulana (13/03/2018 22:06)
Tempat nongkrong favorit
Eddy Setyawan (03/03/2018 12:30)
Buka awal ada menu sarapannya
Jess English (06/02/2018 10:35)
Open early for porridge and Cafe susu, but not until later do they serve expresso drinks. Great atmosphere and service. Nasi Goreng is too spicy for me but the porridge in the mornings is a great way to start your day. Give them a try!
achmad maulana (01/11/2017 14:21)
indri widiowati (08/12/2015 06:05)
Nyantai ndak pake ngirup asep kendaraan 😀