Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Kost Putra - Putra Mahkota

Kuantan Singingi, Riau
Klasifikasi: Hotel and Villa
Alamat: Jalan Elang Sakti, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30
Telp: +62 852-7871-0078

Komentar :

Rauf bd (10/03/2018 09:37)

juni wandra (14/02/2018 07:39)
Sakali2 muek marasai

Rama Setya (02/12/2017 05:37)
Cozy place to stay for a while, nice environtment and the affordable price

Hafiz Risman (12/11/2017 03:31)
A nice and quite coomfortable place for temporary stay.

Muhammad Rizky Adnan (18/10/2017 10:56)
Best place for men to stay in. You might pay per year US$550 for every room. It features doubled-clothesline, because you get the one which stands on the ground and the other one which is hanging on the fence (upstairs). It's literally bathed in the sunlight so your laundry can be dried at the afternoon. This building also has great fences. The keeper used to be so warm and friendly. You can put your single car in the duo parks it has because the yard is quite wide. You will get a bed, a cupboard, and a hose to wash your motorcycle for free. Water don't matter at all. This building is so elegant, nice looking, great design, strategic, and you won't regret to get one. This place is recommended for the price range you're looking for!

Muhammad Rizky (18/10/2017 10:56)
Best place for men to stay in. You might pay per year US$550 for every room. It features doubled-clothesline, because you get the one which stands on the ground and the other one which is hanging on the fence (upstairs). It's literally bathed in the sunlight so your laundry can be dried at the afternoon. This building also has great fences. The keeper used to be so warm and friendly. You can put your single car in the duo parks it has because the yard is quite wide. You will get a bed, a cupboard, and a hose to wash your motorcycle for free. Water don't matter at all. This building is so elegant, nice looking, great design, strategic, and you won't regret to get one. This place is recommended for the price range you're looking for!

Prayoga Nopriady (11/03/2017 15:42)
Kosnya aman, bayar tahunan murah, plus listrik.

1RJEN.P0L Leo Alvaro (12/01/2017 14:28)
Kos yang nyaman Aman dijamin

Rachmat Handoyo (01/09/2016 07:37)

Eigen Egi (08/08/2016 03:04)
Suasanaanya nyaman. Bisa rileks setelah seharian beraktivitas.

Tapi lokasi sepi dan tanpa penerangan jalan. Penerangan hanya berasal dari lampu rumah. Jadi harus lebih berhati-hati bila berjalan melewati tempat ini.

Gerry Bintang (08/08/2016 03:04)
Suasanaanya nyaman. Bisa rileks setelah seharian beraktivitas.

Tapi lokasi sepi dan tanpa penerangan jalan. Penerangan hanya berasal dari lampu rumah. Jadi harus lebih berhati-hati bila berjalan melewati tempat ini.

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Kos Kosan Arvie
    Jl. Manyar Sakti Gg. Kayu Manis No.23, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 813-1571-1055
  2. Kos Nida
    Kos Kosan Arvie,, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia
  3. Kos Bapak Soni
    JL Suka Karya, No. 26, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Tuah Karya, Pekanbaru, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 813-7150-2728
  4. Kos Khusnul
    JL Guna Karya, No. 30, Tuah Karya, Tampan, Tuah Karya, Pekanbaru, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 853-6485-6521
  5. Kos Putri Q
    Jl. Kutilang Sakti No.25, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 812-7684-0002
  6. Rumah Kos Putri Puri Kutilang
    Jl. Kutilang Sakti No.19, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-7846-4810
  7. Sabrina Panam Hotel
    Jl. H.R Soebrantas KM. 11,5 No. 31-33, Tuah Karya, Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28294, Indonesia
  8. The Prestige
    Tuah Karya, Tampan, Pekanbaru City, Riau 28293, Indonesia
  9. Kos Putri Yanza
    JL Swakarya, No. 57, Simpang Baru, Tampan, Tuah Karya, Pekanbaru, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28293, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 811-9440-888
  10. Parma Panam Hotel
    Jalan HR Subrantas (Simpang Tabek Gadang)No.28, Tampan, Tuah Karya, Pekanbaru, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28292, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 761 563577
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