Komentar :
Balikpapan Gsi (26/02/2018 07:59)
Tempatnya nyaman untuk berbelanja sembari "wasting time"
Daniel Yohanes (21/07/2017 05:28)
Not bad
syahril wijaya (25/04/2017 11:02)
Better than Nothing
Frimadi Chandra (14/01/2017 23:10)
Good place for shopping.... specially for clothes, pants, suite... and many other
Kristiyono Priambodo (06/05/2016 15:08)
The discount are fantastic, even some of them are upping before the discount. But, there is no much option in Sampit.
Supriyono Aliwiono (02/07/2017 10:42)
Liburan yg ceria dengan cuaca yg cerah anak 2pun tertawa dengan penuh bahagia
Zaka M Noor (28/03/2017 08:59)
Mall di Kotawaringin timur
Agus SW (23/03/2017 13:49)
Lumayan barang-barang lengkap, utk week end keluarga bagus.