Komentar :
Kayin Fauzi (12/05/2018 12:40)
New Benakutai Hotel is a Benakutai hotel that renovated with modern style and New Management. This is the most famous hotel since dutch era in Balikpapan.
Dandy Veterly (09/03/2018 18:50)
The best of Horror
Ahmar Malik (04/02/2018 03:09)
Clean, good service
Kartika Suardi (02/02/2018 12:33)
Thanks for the rat, so I got room with nice view... Although, should say goodbye with my lovely bag... Swimming pool not too clean...
Elza Putri (21/01/2018 05:22)
Recomended for HoteL in BaLikpapan City
Pasca Regal (07/09/2017 20:47)
Need time to comeback to it's glory days
denny w (16/04/2017 15:59)
Clasical hotel in balikpapan. Full memory
It vandri (18/03/2017 01:38)
Good hospitality
Hery Seputro (22/11/2016 23:51)
It's a comfortable hotel
Dita Novita Sari (04/10/2016 00:57)
An Old Hotel
fanani (01/08/2016 00:38)
Old but renovate Hotel in Balikpapan
Owned by Kalla Family
spacious, but still got old feeling
Arie Kusuma Atmaja (11/07/2016 17:43)
one of the oldest hotels in balikpapan. good one.
rahendra ida bagus (10/12/2015 14:40)
Old style and low maintenance result in low occupancy, a new and radical changes will result better business
Mr. Muttaqin (21/08/2016 23:34)
Hotel Benakutai berdiri 17 Juni 1980, Hotel dengan nuasa kearifan lokal khas kalimantan timur, merupakan hotel pertama yang berdiri di kalimantan timur. pada medio tahun 2000an mengalami masa suram dan tidak beroperasi selama beberapa tahun. Direnovasi serta di operasikan kembali dan berubah nama menjadi "The New Benakutai" sekitar akhir 2011
Aryanto Budi Setiawan (20/06/2014 01:56)
Lumayan lah....