Komentar :
laporanjamkesmas Surabaya (27/02/2018 05:22)
Overall good
Royan Hasjim (21/02/2018 03:56)
The beach and waterfront adding the wonderful moments around it but the menus seems to be poor and not really worth. You know it is the surroundings taking the lead over the visitors interest there ...
Jos Gandos (06/01/2018 07:53)
muhammad nur (14/07/2017 00:30)
Rusydi sakti hardiansyah (04/06/2017 13:37)
Great company
Risa RizeIzu (28/09/2017 11:45)
Wifi ny lelet
gen Tama (06/09/2017 02:24)
Tempat nongkrong bersantai menikmati suasana pantai 😁
Luthfan Ganda Winata (11/08/2017 10:35)
Mahal, nunggu lama.. tapi pemandangan dan suasananya mantab
leli paray (08/08/2017 07:58)
Suara ombak nya bikin menyatu sama alam
rizal ariadi (06/08/2017 02:36)
ada heliped, bagus pantenya sejuk adem sepoi sepoi
Barracuda x (21/08/2016 10:54)
Nyaman dan bagus