Komentar :
Faizal Siri (11/05/2018 00:28)
cheaper than the local vendor, but support the local vendor too, okay!
Syalomitha Pardede (06/04/2018 10:10)
I buys groceries in Indomaret. The groceries in there is almost complete. You can buy snack, drinks, cosmetics, and a lot of other things there. The service is great and good, too, although no an ordinary human can be perfect. Indomaret always give good prices for every products, it even has Indomaret's mineral waters and wet tissue. I like their products. It's high quality and many quantities
edi nugraha (24/03/2018 00:51)
Good and clean
wuri evelyn (15/03/2018 13:56)
Rendy Setiawan (13/02/2018 11:02)
The services was okay, and the parking spot is easily accessible, the location is rather convenient, close to public internet spot, and also ATM.
Ranto Bagus Sihombing (23/08/2017 15:46)
Open for 24/7, service close for hours cause they do stock checking at the end of month. There are atm and restroom available for public beside store. Near telkom office, so security available. Usually place where online ojek driver assembly.
Ook Heryanto (08/07/2017 06:12)
This Indomaret has good parking lot in addition adjacent to ATMs and free wifi area. A nice place for outdoor hang out and for meeting point.
Loesthpedi Parorrongan (26/10/2017 01:03)
unusual price
andrian st (07/08/2017 12:01)
Riyad Filza (22/07/2017 03:59)
A decent place for a quick shopping.
Junior Anwar Burhan (21/04/2017 22:58)
24 JAM
Yodi Hanidi (31/03/2017 23:35)
Entah ini wifi corner yang nempel ke minimarket, atau minimarket yg justru melengkapi adanya wifi corner?
Kristianus Satriawan (29/03/2017 18:32)
Nice place..
Anton Sujarwoto (14/03/2017 08:53)
In the Telkom area and ATM Center its easy to accesd
fanani (10/12/2016 08:05)
There is a WiFi.id corner
Satriyo Rah Wicaksono (16/11/2016 21:45)
Berada di pusat kota balikpapan. Cukup mudah dn dekat menjangkau ke lokasi wisata
Nimrot Hutagalung (07/10/2016 00:09)
Mungkin adalah Indomaret yang memeroleh banyak kunjungan. Karena dilengkapi fasilitas wifi yang didukung wifi.id dari PT Telkom. Voucher per jam nya dijual secara eceran di pos sekuriti tidak jauh dari sini, seharga Rp. 5000, anda bisa internet dengan kecepatan 100 Mbps. Tersedia juga meja dan saluran listrik gratis untuk mengisi daya sambil internet. Lengkapi gaya nongkrong anda dengan membeli camilan atau minuman dari Indomaret yang serba terjangkau.
irwan marwanto (06/08/2016 05:45)
harga mahal.barang tidak sesuai price tag.kasir sering salah input barang.jika ada bonus kasir tidak tahu atau cust tidak di info
Roy Tumimomor (24/06/2016 13:44)
Clean and well organized place, one of the cashier was not so friendly