Komentar :
Kasra J. Munara (27/04/2018 17:01)
One of the favourite meeting places in Kendari. It can be very crowded although they have ground and upper floor. Parking is limited, alongside the road.
Alfiqih Taufiq (25/04/2018 13:26)
Kopi Kita is one of the favorite Cafe in Kendari City, the Capital of South East of Celebes province in Indonesia.
Located in the Downtown.
The black coffee is delicious.
I really like and enjoy it.
I was here for attending business meeting.
Didik Darmadi (11/04/2018 10:35)
Pilihan menunya banyak, live nobar bola juga
fajar jaya haryadi (12/03/2018 04:05)
Cozy place and nice for meet with your friend
iswandi akbar (01/03/2018 11:48)
My favorite place to wasting time after work
adhyah Yusuf (27/01/2018 06:24)
Nice place, live music, nice coffee, but taking time to serve customer
Vanbasten Meliala (07/11/2017 10:52)
Good place to hangout but a little bit crowded on saturday night.
Sri H. Yuniastuti (18/11/2017 14:52)
Cozy place
Eben Silalahi (14/09/2017 12:53)
the best coffe at kendari
Gung Djie (04/08/2017 02:33)
lucu ayo (13/07/2017 00:59)
ajib nih....
RUDY YUNIARTO (27/06/2017 07:39)
Faizin Aslam (23/05/2017 08:01)
Delicious Coffee....
Sayadi Radex (03/05/2017 14:56)
Saya sangat suka.
fiilky dwi sakti (21/04/2017 01:33)
Suasana sangat nyaman hanya terlalu gelap dan pelayan kurang tanggap menghadapi pelanggan
Jack Setiawan (19/03/2017 02:11)
short meeting only
mirsadi ali syam (20/12/2016 13:26)
Nice place... To Night We So Happy.
agus subagio (18/12/2016 13:13)
Tempatnya luas...gak berisik..layanan vepat..lokasi berseberangan dengan Monumen Persatuan..ikon kota Kendari. Pas.
Parela Erap (12/12/2016 10:57)
Nongkrong, nge-date, nobar, ktemu relasi dalam satu tempat...
Yaa dsini nii
oon arfiandwi (10/12/2016 10:43)
tempat nongkrongnya anak muda Kendari 😂
ato ya bisa juga sekedar tempat makan malam sambil menikmati live music.
oh ya, bersiaplah dengan harga makanan dan minuman yang cukup mahal untuk kelas cafe.
Ainov Arif Irfan (04/11/2016 22:11)
The most cool place to hang out while enjoying a variety of drinks and juices with live musical accompaniment
Asir Khan (03/10/2016 06:13)
Keren buat nongki
Isla Nur (10/09/2016 09:38)
Menunya untuk sebuah cafe cukup lengkap. Sangat bagus dijadikan tempat pertemuan dengan teman. Harga nya juga cukup terjangkau
Muhammad Yusuf (10/07/2016 03:51)
Ngopi elite
Shabri Prayogi (07/07/2016 09:26)
Okelah buat hangout
wlhyx ji (17/06/2016 21:32)
salah satu tempat ngopi asyik di kota kendari
Naimos kendari (11/06/2016 04:54)
kafe faforitkuuuuu........... live music
luckman hadi (09/06/2016 04:12)
Tempat gaulnya Kendari