Komentar :
Wahyu Wara (28/03/2018 12:16)
Average service and need an additional waiting area
kusno 95 (27/02/2018 07:22)
Linda Mardianti (30/01/2018 16:23)
Friendly officer
Tara Isyah (13/09/2017 02:09)
Nice services.. :)
Gde Budi (09/06/2017 15:09)
Lack of services by their sales woman.
1. They said they will delivered motor paper to address but they told me to take at dealer.
2. They forgot to give the jacket and pretend to forget it.
So unsatisfied services. Do you want more as a new customer?
Com Art (22/07/2017 06:55)
Tmpt jual dan service spda mtor merk Yamaha. . .
KMyani Yani (19/07/2017 05:39)
good services
Artiasa Gem 182 (24/03/2017 03:09)
arya artha (08/03/2017 04:22)
Suku cadang yg seharusnya masih bisa digunakan diganti dengan yg baru, pelayanannya juga buruk
fauzie kenzie (05/03/2017 15:17)
Pelayanannya ramah dan bagus
NGURAH PARTHA (24/12/2016 23:27)
Familier..... pelayanan cepat dan ramah
Adryanto Richard (11/12/2016 00:14)
Minggu jg buka
Iwang Wahyu Prasetyo (19/08/2016 06:52)
Good service