Komentar :
MARCO VAN GEERTSOM (24/05/2018 08:08)
Complete in this chapter, just do your own searching ,Then ask for help. Good deals and one must bargain.
ina ramadhani (06/03/2018 09:04)
Just bought new tv for my kitchen...
Nice and fast
ivan tejantara (01/03/2018 00:51)
Best price
AdamVW1958 (10/01/2018 01:45)
We’ve bought a lot of goods from UFO. Great choices and staff.
agus tw (25/11/2017 01:32)
Gave 3 stars just because the price were OK... We bought an AC unit (LG) smart converter on Nov 9 we got the delivery and the installation were on time but after 3days the AC was not working and we called the installer then they check it and they said was wrong cable and Freon pipe was not hook write when first installed so the Freon were gone then they said they short of half Freon and will come back to fill it up... We been trying to call them and I was went to the store to report it but until now they not come yet and our AC still not cold as first time... It almost a month...
agung yudha (23/06/2017 14:48)
Recommended store to buy your electronic devices, from tv, fridge, and air conditioner..good prices and lots of discount..good service from the sales...
Nathaniel Strybos (18/11/2017 10:39)
Electronic stall
ida bagus Kirana (25/10/2017 22:48)
Electronic Supermarket
atoin amasat (11/08/2017 05:19)
Furni & elect.
Ketut Oka (14/07/2017 17:42)
Lumayan untuk di bali
Widiananda Pratama (05/07/2017 06:29)
Lengkap, dan murah. Ibu harus membeli mesin, mesin cuci kita kan rusak.
Ariyana Property (14/06/2017 10:42)
Lengkap dan murah
Anna Agung Wahid Kurniawan (15/05/2017 04:01)
Cheapest Electronic product..
Nyoman D (07/05/2017 11:29)
Showroom barang elektronik harga lumayan murah
obat mengecilkan perut buncit (22/04/2017 23:23)
Ok, belum lengkap aja
Rizal Cahya Ramadhan (25/03/2017 22:23)
Sepi dan lengkap.
I Made Dedi Aprilianta (20/03/2017 07:13)
Lengkap & banyak pilihan serta pelayanan ramah
Puji Retno Hardiningtyas (29/01/2017 12:54)
Murah, banyak diskon.
ahmad sugandi (12/12/2016 09:58)
Harga dan lokasi sangat bagus, barang juga sangat komplit, toko yang sangat besar dan lengkap di bali!