Komentar :
Gung Bayu (01/06/2018 05:41)
Pelayanan yang sangat bagus.. diberikan sedikit penjelasan yang cukup memadai ttg gear yang kita gunakan... Worth the price
Intan Maya (19/02/2018 00:54)
The place is nice and comfortable. And of course, the photos are nice.
Reza Nanda Iswara IB (26/12/2017 15:26)
They have complete stock of camera and accessories. One of the biggest camera store in Bali
Cista Suryani (06/11/2017 12:34)
This place is famous for selling cameras and its equipments at a good price. Their other service includes pass photos producing for legal documents.
Liam Frederick Ennis (05/10/2017 05:11)
I was upgrading my camera and as an expat it's always a little difficult to get technology at a better price in Bali then overseas. However, these guys did a great deal for me and throw in some free gear, also very helpful and knew their products which is not always the case in Bali.
If you are looking for a camera, this store is very good to go too for service. The store itself is a little run down and not showcasing their products as well as they could, but they have a great selection nevertheless.
Thanks and hopefully can visit again! Definitely a 4 star for service, shop quality probably would be about a 3 star, range for a Indonesian camera shop is about a 4. They do have the latest technology here.
Wayan Dharma (16/05/2017 15:41)
The service is good. We can share and ask anything with the technician and discus it well. Great experience
Arief Kapoet (06/09/2017 18:10)
good quality
Vido Muchtar (17/08/2017 15:11)
bambang setyawan (09/05/2017 10:07)
kualitas dan kecepatan bagus gan, sayang parkirnya kurang luas, susah parkir di dalan., kursi dan ruang tunggunya memprihatinkan. tolong di perbaikin yang punya bussines ya. biar nyaman orang duduk di luar gag jongkat jangkit.
Yano Sumampow (06/04/2017 09:31)
The best place to have a camera and all accessories, price is right no tourist scam
Syakir Hamdani (19/03/2017 00:49)
Agunk Eka (13/02/2017 21:28)
Untuk pelayanan sudah bagus, cuma tempat parkir aja yg kurang luas
Jayadi Putra (11/02/2017 12:57)
Sellernya ramah. Untuk barangnya lebih lengkap yang di pertokoan udayana
subhi darajat (15/12/2016 10:20)
Kebutuhan yang mendesak bisa diandalkan.. pelayannya juga lumayan cepat kalo dibanding tempat serupa
Thewisest Okesop (05/10/2016 01:34)
great place for printing your foto, just visit here and you will know how Goodly enough theyare
budi nandang (08/06/2016 03:10)
good choice for buy camera