Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Cinemaxx Plaza Renon

Klungkung, Bali
Klasifikasi: Bioskop
Alamat: 2nd & 3rd Floor Plaza Renon, Panjer, Sel., Jl. Raya Puputan I, Sumerta Kelod, East Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali 80239, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30

Komentar :

Adinda Astuti Astaning Widhi (09/06/2018 19:35)
Berada di lantai paling atas mall Level21, lebih mudah akses melalui lift jadi dari parkir bisa langsung ke area bioskop.
Ada empat studio sehingga pilihan film cukup banyak yang ditampung, tapi sayangnya di bioskop ini belum tersedia untuk film dengan pilihan yang 3D.
Tempat duduk didalam studio cukup nyaman bahkan untuk bangku pada deretan bawah tetap nyaman untuk menonton karena posisi yang tidak terlalu tegak. Tersedia kamar mandi banyak dan bersih.

Hary Mahendra (20/05/2018 02:35)
I love to watching in this cinema.. Cinemaxx always have their own feel when people in there, good place and good price for the service

wael abdullah (15/05/2018 11:46)
Not that big cinema and not that vip set and no have a 3d show but it's nice to have one near from sanur place

Tesa (13/05/2018 07:30)
Came here for the first time and thought that it was quite nice place to hangout. The parking lot is quite spacious for scooters but then we had to be in long line of waiting to pay the parking fee. They only have 1 counter for the ticket. Meh... The Starbucks spot is cool though. The cinema is up on the 3rd floor and is a bit smaller than the one in Kuta.

Priyan Priyan (10/05/2018 11:12)
This cassual cineplex with 4 studios, is the must place to visit. Why? Have strategic place, big parking, great sound, smart lobby, clean toilet, right position of seating inside, and crunchy pop corn.

Daniel K (06/05/2018 04:47)
The ticketing system is highly inefficient. One guy was handling the ticket, serving the beverage, and have to repeat the order twice or three times while the remaining 5 just chatting around in the background. It often takes them about 5 minutes to issue a ticket.

Madhuri Jadhav (05/05/2018 04:17)
Cleanliness maintained, Pre-booking for the next day of Avengers : Infinity War was not available at the counter. But all is good service and the staff is knowledgeable and polite.

Krisnanda Wicaksana (16/04/2018 04:26)
This place it looks small from outside but inside the cinema is preety big

sukma wijaya (13/04/2018 16:26)
Small but convenient. Food quality is fair.

Dian Putri Rani (06/04/2018 05:49)
Convenient payment method with debit/credit card without minimum purchase. big deal.

viktor widiantara (12/01/2018 06:45)
This place is nice cinema and its located at denpasar city and this place is not really big but has nice screen and has nice atmosphere i would like to recommend this place for those who look for good entertainment and has nice waiting place

Putra Antara (29/11/2017 13:45)
Nice and clean new place, but seriously, if you're running late on the last show for the day, that's not the time to shove all the ads. 9.45 pm for a 9 pm show and the movie just about to begin. Tardiness to the maxx.

Meidy Hartawan (15/10/2017 10:36)
Bioskop paling baru di Denpasar. Masih fresh semuanya terasa baru. Boleh lah untuk alternatif tempat nonton. Parkirnya juga sudah diperluas jadi gampang.

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Home Theater
    Jl. Tukad Banyu Sari No.78, Sesetan, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80113, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 895-3426-04102
  2. DnJ Production - photo and Video
    Jl. Hang Tuah No.3, Sanur Kaja, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80227, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 821-1975-0964
  3. Cinema XXI
    Lt.4, Jl. Teuku Umar No.1, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80113, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 361 3003121
  4. Bioskop Mini Robinson
    Jl. P.B. Sudirman No.18 A, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80232, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 857-7836-2000
  5. Laptop Cinemax
    Gg. I, Kesiman, Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80237, Indonesia
  6. Hj production
    m yamin 1 nomer 11 baru renon, Panjer, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80239, Indonesia
  7. Plaza Renon
    Plaza Renon, Jl. Raya Puputan No.210, Panjer, Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80239, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 361 4457615
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