Komentar :
Prasetyo Budi Widagdo (31/05/2018 03:22)
Sudah tidak beroperasi.. tapi asik untuk belajar sejarah gula di masa Nederlandsch-Indie
Ina Ruslinah (21/04/2018 06:50)
A good place as part of Indonesian history. We can stroll the museum by using an old train & just need to pay for Rp.15000 for museum, loco & the factory. Thanks for the officer
Anggun Esti (14/04/2018 02:43)
Already Closed Sugar Plantation Production. Sugar museum open from 09 am until noon. Open also at sunday with only one guide. There is remaining locomotif, sugar tools , Sugar plantation miniatur of Tasik Madu, small fish pond, small resto and rest area, toilet, prayer room. You also can see the Plantation Machine on weekdays.
Museum ticket is 5K each person. This is a small museum with sugar plantation remaining devices, pictures and Loco. These sugar plantation total acre is 4 acres . Now remaining activity is sugar "distribution" in small scale.
Herritage building.. i just love this place ..
Too bad this place closed in sugar activity, instead of local needed to produce sugar from Klaten and Sragen canes field
Muchtar (08/04/2018 15:45)
Great place. The only sugar museum in Indonesia, even in southeast asia. In addition to being a place to store historic items in the sugar industry, this museum also serves as a means of education for the general public about the long history of the sugar industry in Indonesia.
Sandy Kurniawan (07/01/2018 10:16)
So sweet
Moris Pambudhi (25/10/2017 21:49)
Rest area favorit
David Widihandojo (29/08/2017 15:02)
Good Coffee in Good Price....😊....👍
arkanul krisnaji (09/07/2017 05:21)
the pre modern history of java, full of sweet n bitter memories
Morhyz (25/10/2017 21:49)
Rest area favorit
Regina Hadiwardoyo (11/10/2017 05:51)
budhi surya ramadhana (19/09/2017 07:53)
asyik jg buat acara garden party, nikahan & bbq party di halaman belakangnya. parkir luas & strategis. pinggir jalan solo persis. sayang, toiletnya kurang.
sky one (19/06/2017 15:11)
truevienna (04/06/2017 14:16)
Rizqi Amalia (27/04/2017 02:02)
Museum punya potensi bagus untuk menarik wisatawan, tapi interior bangunan yang tidak bagus dan gelap bikin orang males. Tidak ada keterangan jelas di tiap koleksi nya jadi kurang paham mengenai koleksi-koleksinya
Angga Mati (02/03/2017 23:56)
Nice place to photo session
Erik Haryadi (22/02/2017 09:20)
Tempat bermain di akhir pekan dimasa kecil. Sekarang apa kabarmu di museum?
Faisal Amrulloh (07/02/2017 14:06)
Meskipun kurang terawat sebagai museum, namun bangunnya memberikan kesan kembali ke masa lampau.
Antonius Tri K (09/01/2017 02:25)
Good for knowledge
nurida aryanti (19/10/2014 05:07)
Rest area fave
Hadi Siswanto (02/10/2016 13:29)
Ya museum
Ya rest area
Ya resto,pokoknya siiip ,cobalah singgah.
nia kawai (15/07/2016 18:12)
Salah satu pabrik gula yang pernah berjaya pada masanya. Jika betuntung datang di waktu tertentu, bisa naik lori tua. Satu lagi, lokomotif tua "simbah" menjadi maskot dan pernah berjaya pada masanya.