Komentar :
Susanto Uno (19/04/2018 22:02)
Good place to having your afternoon. Free of charge, just gave parking tip.you can play football etc.
saya eminkz (10/03/2018 16:19)
nice place for family activities and jogging
Episcia Wardyani (07/03/2018 07:14)
It is really nice park. Located not too far from the center of Klaten City. It can be seen from the road easily. You can find many snack vendors around the park. Make sure you always keep the park clean by throwing the rubbish into rubbish bin.
Kendi Warsodihardjo (19/01/2018 03:18)
you can relax then watch the sun goes set with all your family
Arwan Sutanto (05/01/2018 13:49)
Almost every month through here but never stopped by. I think this is a great place for kids to play on holidays.
Roswitha Muntiyarso (25/05/2017 14:13)
A nice place to chill and walk around in the afternoon. Not really a forest since there are not much plants around. Nice experience, we bought a rainbow ice from the stall around the carpark
Muhammad Awan Fakhrudin (10/10/2017 10:35)
Nice gan
Abdullah Hamid Irsyad (02/10/2017 14:12)
Wherever you go, its the best place at gergunung
Adhi Susilo (19/09/2017 01:09)
Tempat yang bagus untuk bermain bersama anak
Ca Ya (08/07/2017 10:59)
I love this place!
Nuraida Hakiki (02/07/2017 08:37)
The view was beautiful. But there a lot of trash lol
Morhyz (03/04/2017 03:09)
Bayar parkir Rp2.000 udah bisa nikmatin taman kota. Pemandangannya sejuk. Sayang masih ada beberapa pengunjung yg kurang kesadarannya untuk tidak buang sampah sembarangan. Padahal petugas kebersihannya rajin.
Riva Fausta (15/03/2017 03:34)
Nice place
Atalie Angkasa (07/03/2017 07:23)
Tempat berkumpul pagi yang enak
Antonius Tri K (10/01/2017 05:47)
Sunday morning
SINGGIH_GENNIO 90z (01/01/2017 22:14)
Djat Miko (01/01/2017 11:54)
Good place for everyone
Faizal Rosyid (14/05/2016 09:05)
Wrong place
Zulfiana Shalihah (16/07/2016 13:40)
Dalam masa pembangunan