Komentar :
Kris Rasta (23/05/2018 13:25)
A good Aceh Noodle Stall. Perfect cuisine for spicy food lovers. Here is a perfect way to enjoy Aceh Noodle: Order a Seafood Tumis Aceh Noodle, lots of prawns & squid inside, grab a slice of lime, pinch it all over the noodle, grab a bite with a pinch of fresh cut shallot. Close the meal with a big glass of iced tea. Perfect.
riki mayandri (20/05/2018 16:06)
Kopi nya enak...makanan kurang cocok aja sama lidah sumbar
Roni Prinaldo (17/05/2018 03:52)
Lagi tutup
harry ibra (28/01/2018 15:01)
Kalo menurut gw, dah nyoba beli bungkus :
• Mie Aceh Goreng Daging, Rp. 20.000
>-rasa standar, nilai 3
• Mie Aceh Rebus Daging, Rp. 20.000
>-rasa hambar dan pedas saja, nilai 1
• Kopi Aceh Dingin, Rp. 11.000
>-rasa standar, nilai 3
Semoga kedepan lbh baik... good job
Fahmie Moelya (11/12/2017 15:25)
Mantaap... Sangat berasa nuansa "Aceh taste" -- Great place where you can order a Acehnesse traditional food and coffee.