Komentar :
Sutan Syahrul Ramadhan (08/02/2018 12:08)
Walau pun masih bangunan jadul tpi masih layak pakai
Regza Aditya (28/01/2018 08:09)
hendry kurniawan (17/01/2018 07:45)
Mawanda Almuhayar (21/11/2017 19:27)
Highly recommended clinic in Padang city when you have skin disease.
I once have somewhat disease on my hand skin for years. I have try many medicine but did not work. Then one days I come here and meet the professional and friendly doctors. My disease is now healed tough need 2 times with laser operation. But for all, I'm very satisfied with the service and the doctor's performances.
Arif Iskandar (24/07/2016 03:40)
Good service, nice and experienced doctors